A 35-year-old man with left groin mass, examination revealed a single palpable testis.
- What is cryptorchidism?
- What are the etiology/risk factors of cryptorchidism?
- Does undescended testis contribute to an increased risk of testicular cancer?
- What are the other complications of cryptorchidism?
- What is the management for testicular teratoma?
- What is the role of orchiopexy?
- What are the types of germ cell tumors?
- Pathology report provided
- Where does teratoma spread first?
- Where does teratoma spread next?
- What are the serological markers/blood tests?
- What are the other conditions where HCG is elevated?
- What is the value of serum markers?
- What are the stages of hematoma resolution?
- What is the cause of small pneumothorax developed after a few months?
- What is metastasis?
- Why is this patient at risk of developing PE?
- What is Virchow’s triad?